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  • 執筆者の写真森薫広報部

〜自分らしく生きる〜vol.5インドネシアと今治を繋ぐ一枚のポスターA poster that connects Indonesia and Imabari





そして、今回私のわがままをご快諾し、ご協力してくださった世界中でご活躍されている皆様がより一層幸せな生活を実現できますように。 願いを込めて。

Due to the recent spread of coronavirus infections, I have the impression that many people are not able to have the life balance they want. However, there are many people who are positively thinking of this as a period of preparation for after-coronas.

How will you make the most of the situation you are in now?

In a world full of negative information, I hope that all those who live in Imabari and are taking action to make their "dreams" come true will be able to take positive action.

I also hope that all the people around the world who have agreed to my selfishness and have cooperated with me this time will be able to realize a happier life. With my best wishes.




Meeting with Kariza.

It was about 10 years ago. I was a university student at the time, and I met Kariza who came to Japan for an exchange program. At the time, my English level was very poor and I was not able to communicate with her as well as I would have liked, but we were connected by our hearts. That's how I feel.I am grateful that we still have a long-lasting relationship across the country. Thank you so much !



What do you do in Indonesia?

I am an interior designer. I'm also a part-time graphic designer and watercolor sketch artist You can also see my art on Facebook and other sites.




What did you do with Imabari City this time?

I participated in making posters for a speech contest. The event is for foreigners living in Imabari City.

*She is a very kind-hearted and sensitive woman who cares about others. This is a wonderful poster that shows the personality of Kaliza.RINA



What is your dream, kariza?

I want to start a watercolor art school for children.



Why do you want to connect to Imabari City or Japan?

I've never actually been to Imabari, so I think it would be fun to stay there for a few days and learn about its culture as well as sightseeing. It would be fun to stay there for a few days and learn about the culture as well as sightseeing. I would also like to visit some historical places and understand the depth of Imabari's memories.


インドネシアから、素晴らしいポスターを描いてくれた彼女。分け隔てなく、協力をしてくれる彼女の周りには、笑顔が沢山ある。そんな大人ってキラキラしていてかっこいいなと素直に思う。 Editorial Postscript

She drew a wonderful poster for us from Indonesia. There are a lot of smiling faces around her as she cooperates with us without discrimination. I honestly think it's cool to be an adult like that.

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